Nací en Buenos Aires en 1963. Mis padres me contaron que no hablé una palabra hasta los dos años de edad en la que señalé un parlante y dije: “Phillips”. Esa fue mi primer palabra. Comencé a tocar el acordeón a piano de mi madre a los 4 años, luego la percusión, la flauta dulce y finalmente aprendí piano.
Mi carrera como músico profesional comenzó en 1983 en las jam sessions que se armaban los domingos en Jazz & Pop. Allí me mezclé con toda la crema de la época del jazz-rock argentino y conseguí mi primer trabajo como tecladista de Celeste Carballo, que en ese momento era la nueva musa del rock argentino.
En los 80’s me consideraron ser uno de los primeros precursores latinos en el uso de MIDI y su integración a los shows en vivo. En 1985 Fito Páez me convocó para formar parte de su banda y al poco tiempo produje su segundo disco llamado “Giros”. Esta fue mi primera producción, luego vinieron más discos gloriosos como “Ey” y “Ciudad de Pobres Corazones” a los que le siguieron mis trabajos con Viuda e Hijas de Roque Enroll, Fabiana Cantilo, La Torre, Liliana Herrero, entre otros.
En 1989 comencé a tocar en los shows y a participar en los discos de la banda argentina más trascendente de América Latina hasta su separación en 1997: Soda Stereo. Esto me llevó a hacer infinidad de shows y giras con ellos como así también los discos “Languis”, “Canción Animal”, “Dynamo” y “Confort y Música para volar”.
En 1992 Fito Paéz me convocó para trabajar en el álbum que lo llevó a obtener el récord del disco más vendido en la historia de la música grabada argentina “El amor después del amor¨.
En 1993 produje ¨Horno para calentar los mares¨ el segundo disco de Illya Kuriaki and the Valderramas, y “Asquerosa Alegría” de Bersuit Vergarabat.
El final de los años 90’s me encontró grabando y produciendo a lo mejor de la electrónica argentina, artistas como Audioperú, Ronan Portela, Index, Insert Coin y varios más pasaron por mis manos, sumado a Man Ray, Santos Inocentes, Luis Alberto Spinetta y María Gabriela Epumer.
En el año 2000 produje ¨Hembra¨, el segundo álbum de la banda peruana Libido, el cual ganó un premio MTV, “Aventura” de Los 7 Delfines.
En 2002 me fui a vivir a Los Angeles, en ese período rearmé mi banda Acida con la que gane el premio otorgado por la revista La Banda Elástica a “Mejor Banda Latina con Base en Estados unidos”.
En 2005 produje el segundo disco solista de Emmanuel Horvilleur llamado “Rockanrolero”, “Día de la Fiebre” de Adicta, y Gustavo Cerati me invitó a coproducir “Ahí Vamos”, el cual ganó 2 Grammys Latinos y varios Premios Gardel.
Convocado por Gustavo Cerati trabaje en la ingeniería del disco de Shakira sobre cuatro temas, utilizando sesiones enteras en Pro Tools producidas por músicos de la talla de The Matrix y Dave Stewart (Eurythmics).
A fines del 2006 Ximena Sariñana me contactó para su disco debut llamado “Mediocre” en el que coproduje 8 canciones. Este disco fue nominado ¨Revelación¨ y ¨Mejor Producción del Año¨ en los LATIN GRAMMYS AWARDS el cual fue records de ventas en México.
En 2007 giré con Soda Stereo en el Tour “Me Verás Volver” con 22 shows en estadios de todo Latinoamérica y USA. Ese año produje “Tan Real” de Los Tipitos.
En 2009 fundé mi propio estudio de grabación.
En 2011 produje el disco debut solista de Richard Coleman, y el disco " Bi" de Kevin Johansen.
En 2013 fundé Twitin Records, mi propio sello digital, y coproduje el álbum debut de Benito Cerati con su proyecto Zero Kill.
Desde los 90’s en adelante fui jurado de muchísimos concursos de talentos de América Latina. Actualmente soy convocado por diferentes países para dar clínicas y workshops de producción.
Soy un adicto al estudio de grabación, tengo más de 120 trabajos discográficos realizados para artistas entre los que se encuentran: Los Brujos, Sponsors, Rayos Laser, Rescate, Hamacas al Río, Dietrich, Capri, entre otros y artistas latinos como Superlitio, Famasloop, Mink, Patanes, De Saloon, entre otros.
I was born in Buenos Aires in 1963. My parents told me that until I was 2 years old I did not speak a single word. It was at that age that, while approaching a loudspeaker, I said “Phillips.” That was my first word ever.
My professional career as a musician begins in 1983, as a result of a series of Sunday jam sessions at the legendary club Jazz & Pop, in the city of Buenos Aires. It was there where I met and mixed with the cream of the crop of the Argentinian jazz-rock scene. In those years I got my first job as a keyboard player for the folk-rock super star Celeste Carballo. She was considered the local female muse in those days.
In the 80’s I was categorized as one of the first Argentinian musicians to have ever incorporated the use of midi keyboards and samplers, especially in live shows.
In 1985, Fito Paez, another big name in the Latin rock family, invited me to join his band. Shortly after that, I was producing his second album called “Giros.” This was my first gig as a producer but then two more glorious works with Paez came my way. “Ey,” and ”Ciudad de pobres corazones.” After these very successful albums with FP my job as a producer took me to work with important and key Argentinean artists. Viuda e Hijas de Roque Enroll, Fabiana Cantilo, La Torre, Liliana Herrero, among others.
In 1989 I started working with the most relevant Latin American band of all times, Soda Stereo until their dissolution in 1997. This association began in the studio, through all their albums, expanding my work to their live shows and world tours.
I appeared with Soda Stereo in the following albums: “Languis”(Ep), “Canción Animal,” “Dynamo,” and “Confort y musica para volar (MTV Unplugged.)”
In 1992, Fito Paez requested my presence and skills to work on an album that would happened to be the best sold album of all times in the history of Argentinian recorded music. “El Amor despues del amor.”
In 1993, I proudly produced the second and great album of another super band from Argentina. Illya Kuriaky and the Valderramas’s “Horno para calentar los mares.” In the same year another luminary came to my supervision as a producer. Bersuit Vergarabat with their album “Asquerosa Alegria.”
The end of the 90’s encountered me working with what it was considered the best of the electronic scene in Argentina within those years. Audioperu, Ronan Portela, Index and Insert Coin.
Another work of significance was the one I did for the brilliant band called Man Ray. The iconic Luis Alberto Spinetta. Santos Inocentes, Maria Gabriela Epumer, Los 7 Delfines (album “Aventura.”)
In the year 2000, I produced the album “Hembra,” the second one from the Peruvian band Libido. This album won an MTV award that year.
In the year 2002, I moved to Los Angeles, California. Where, I put back together a band of mine called Acida. With this band I won the award of “Mejor banda latina con base en Estados Unidos” (Best latin band based in the US) From the prestigious music magazine “La Banda Elastica.”
I moved back to Buenos Aireas, Argentina In 2005. Immediately, I produced a series of important works: The second solo album of IKV’s Emmanuel Horvilleur. “Rockanrollero.” Gustavo Cerati (Soda Stereo’s master mind) invited me that year to coproduce his great “Ahi Vamos.” This one won two Latin Grammys and a few Argentinian Carlos Gardel awards (The equivalent of a US Golden Globe in Argentina.)
Cerati, also requested my skills to work in four tracks for a Shakira’s album.
At the end of 2006 I worked for Ximena Sariñana for her album “Mediocre,” producing a total of eight songs for her. This album was nominated “Revelacion” and “Mejor produccion del año” (Best new album and best music production of the year) in the Latin Grammys Awards. It was, also, best-selling album of the year in Mexico.
In the year 2007 I joined Soda Stereo for their reunion world tour “Me veras volver” (“You will see me return.”) It was an epic tour. We visited 22 packed stadiums of Latin America and USA.
2009 was the year when I finally and happily opened my own recording studio. Twitin Records.
In 2011, I produced Richard Coleman’s first solo album, “Siberia Country Club.” Kevin Johansen’s “Bi” was also a labor of my production that very same year.
In 2013, I created my own digital record label, also called Twitin Records. In this year I coproduced the debut album of Benito Cerati (Gustavo Cerati’s son.) Benito’s band is called Zero Kill and his first album “Trip Tour.”
During the 90’s, and since then, I have appeared as a jury in many music talent shows in Latin America. Nowadays, my presence and experience is requested to participate and direct music production workshops and seminars, worldwide.
I am “addicted,” per say, to my work in the recording studio. I have more than 150 produced albums. Many artists have worked under my supervision and I am proud of my job with all of them. To name a few; Los Brujos, Sponsors, Rayos Laser, Rescate, Hamacas al Rio, Dietrich, Capri, Superlitio, Famasloop, Mink, Patanes, De Saloon, etc.
Nowadays, I am producing and recording two major albums. One, is a compilation of an exquisite selection of classics from the 60’s where The UK and The US are represented through their Pop, Soul, Rock and R&B. With the lovely and talented voice of Victoria “Vicky” Maurette (beautiful upcoming Argentinean actress and singer.) The best of the best of every corner of the music scene are participating in this amazing project.
The original idea and executive production of this outstanding album is another great concept of the man who is considered, hands down, the most important entrepreneur in the history of Argentina’s international music scene. Highly respected all around the world and responsible for some of the best moments in all South America musical crossover. Mr. Daniel Grinbank.
The other one, is one very close to my heart. The new and seriously well made, album of my dear friend Benito Cerati.
Benito and his project Zero Kill are back with a second brilliant work.
I have been enjoying what are now, the final steps of this great new album for Zero Kill. “Alien Head.”
My job with artists like Benito and Victoria, plus all the crew that I have the luck of been surrounded by, made my career very enjoyable.
I can’t wait to share with you all these two new pieces of music that tells me that my career is where is supposed to be.
Thanks for reading.